made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Monday, April 4, 2011

Paralyzed by possibilities

Let me ask you a question. Do you ever have SO many things you want to do, so many ideas for projects to work on, things you want to write about, places you want to go (even if it's just walking the puppies in a pretty place) that you wind up doing absolutely nothing at all? Welcome to my life. Here's what I would like to do today.

  • Work on test knit for Stefanie Japel
  • Write totally entertaining blog posts complete with pictures
  • Sew lots and lots of things for my shop to help pay some bills
  • Play some more with metal stamping set
  • Walk dogs at the harbor on this gorgeous day
  • Vacuum my room and do laundry
  • Get my butt up to Newport for a weight check-in and prescription refill

And here's what I've actually done.

  • Had an english muffin, a banana, and tea for breakfast
  • Stamped "Wonderfully Awkward" on strips of metal
  • Scanned said metal strips into my computer to try out a new blog header (not quite *me*, I decided)
  • Waited on hold for 40 minutes with the OC Court system to try and pay my registration fix-it ticket.
Yeah. That's it. And it's nearly noon. I'm completely ashamed of myself and am full of self-loathing, even though those aren't productive feelings at all. On the upside, the $280 I thought I owed as a fine turned out to be the cost of my registration that I've already paid. I only owe them $25, if I understand correctly, and I got an extension til May 6th. Woot! I will NOT use that as an excuse to procrastinate. I will NOT use that as an excuse to procrastinate. Repeat ad nauseum. what will I do with the three hours or so until I have to go to work? I really should finish that dog bed I started like, a month ago. It's going to be super cute, just you wait! I'm way behind on the test knit, but my poor dogs have been so cooped up and stir-crazy lately. Okay, that kind of narrows it down.  Alright, alright. I'll take them for a nice two hour walk at the harbor, then use the last hour or so before work to knit. No sewing, dammit, but that's what I get for being a no good lazy procrastinator.

I've been feeling the need to read inspiring self-help quotes and stuff lately, and read an awesome article the other day that I want to print out and put in my paper journal (that I haven't written in for a long time....go figure) I wanted to share it with you all, in case you need a little "yay me" boost too.

Tiny Buddha: 4 Simple Steps to Freedom
On twitter this morning, a certain knitter I love and admire asked for a little pat on the back. This made me love her even more. I wrote something encouraging (and completely true) and shared the article link with her. We all need to ask for some support and encouragement sometimes, especially on days when we don't feel so much like Wonder Woman. That's one of the reasons I love comments on my blog here - it lets me know someone's actually reading, and actually cares, even if I'm "writing for myself". How ego-centric am I?! Ah well, we are what we are. Everyone needs positive reinforcement sometimes, right?

Crafting stuff! (On a craft blog? NO!)
It was my dear friend Kathy's daughter's 2nd birthday this past weekend, so I made this for Sophie:
It's a super duper cute tutorial/pattern from 2 Little Hooligans, click the link if you want to make one too! The wings and around the eyes looks black, but it's actually a nice navy blue fleece. It was really hard to get a decent picture.  I didn't download the pattern, because I wanted to make it a bit bigger than I thought it would be. I eyeballed it, so he's a bit wonky. But the important thing is Sophie loved him. Kathy left me a message on my facebook this morning telling me that Sophie slept with him last night and wouldn't put him down when she got up. That totally made my entire day!

Okey dokey. Off to the harbor with me and the pooches. Here I go. Watch me move.....quick like ninja. *sigh* Why is momentum so difficult?

Tomorrow there will be a surprise for you all (hint: it involves the boogie earbuds and a giveaway!), so keep your eyes peeled! (eww..why has my family always used that phrase?)


  1. Sometimes the list of possibilities is sooooo ong and full of such fun stuff that you just can't choose. It's like...if I do *this*, then I don't have time to do *that*, so I'm going to lose all my time to do anything. When I have a list like that, what I try to do is do something that's really quick. Out of your list, vacuum the room. Then that's one thing off the list and you're started! Start some laundry washing, then hit the road. Get yourself weighed and prescripted, take the dogs with you, then hit the coast for walking. Overlap whatever you can, and when you look back at your day you'll be amazed at what gets done. :)

  2. You're so right. I try to overlap errands and chores as much as I can. If i'm knitting, no reason I can't have some laundry going. If I'm out and about, squeeze in all the stops I can to conserve gas. Sometimes the initial momentum is the hardest part! :)


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