made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Would you guys be interested in knitting tutes?

Hi everyone!

So I was tooling around on twitter today, chatting with Jenna and Kiki, and was thrilled to hear that Kiki is learning to knit! YOU GO!! She asked some questions about yarn hold and some basics, so I quickly rattled off a couple of videos for English and Continental style. Not like there aren't a million, but it's fun to contribute, and I love converting new knitters. So here's the videos!
I also posted them on my free tutorials page for future convenience. So here's my questions: Are you guys interested in other knitting tutorial videos? I know there's a glut of them out there, but sometimes somebody shows or explains something in a different way that makes more sense to some people. What would you guys want to see?

Since I haven't written in a few days, here's the current rundown:

Right Now:

Listening - I've got the show "Numbers" on right now, streaming through Netflix. I love binging on shows. Especially ones I've never seen before and there's several seasons to catch up on. 

Eating - Nothing at the moment, but I might heat up some of my taco soup I made the other day. OH! That's a whole other post, but I've started cooking for the entire week and freezing servings to easily heat up. That way I'm actually eating, getting more nutrition, and don't have to cook. all. week. 

Drinking - well, my tea's gone cold, so I'll just stick with my water. On the other hand, I have diet cherry soda in my mini fridge that sounds pretty enticing right now. What?! You thought I'd say wine? It's only 1pm people! Gimme *some* credit ;)

Wearing - pink owl jammy bottoms with a pink tank top. To match my pink nails. I guess I'm in a pink mood lately. 

Feeling - kinda guilty that I haven't done much of anything productive today. I need to get my machine embroidering some things so I can get those out to their new owners soon.  But overall, pretty relaxed. Hooray!

Weather - It was kinda windy this morning, but very sunny. It's still sunny out, but a teeny bit overcast as well. Funny story - we didn't have LA's crazy violent wind, but we did get some good gusts early this morning. I was in the middle of a dream about being chased by zombies, and it was an INCREDIBLY tense, scary part of the dream when a big gust of wind blew something over in the side yard with a BANG! I must have jumped a mile out of my bed. Adrenaline rushing, heart pounding. I had to laugh at myself (Thank you brain, for choosing JUST that moment to scare the crap out of me when a zombie is reaching for me!). 

Wanting - To rewind today so I can be more productive!! And maybe that cherry soda. 

Needing - To close my door because my sister just started vacuuming and I can't hear Numbers. It's a tough life. And now I really need that cherry soda. Do you ever just CRAVE a soda? I don't drink them very often, but when I want one, I WANT ONE! I NEED ONE!

Thinking - About a lot. My brain is such a jumble lately that it seems I can't organize any thoughts. Projects, goals, what direction I want to head in with my shop, my blog, etc. I'm kind of enjoying flying by the seat of my pants though. I love writing about life, and not just crafting all the time. Hopefully I don't bore you guys too much!

Enjoying - This slower, more relaxed pace of life lately. With my best friend in town, it's been a little bit busier, but it's been good to get out and do things. It helps put into perspective how very much I've changed over the past couple of years, become more introverted and *quirky* shall we say. Ten kinds of special crazysauce. I have a lot of self work to do, and it's an interesting road. I'm very very slowly starting to feel like my old "I don't need no mans" self again, and I'm looking forward to being totally self-sufficient and independent. Emotionally, financially, and otherwise. 

Time to be productive!! Have a wonderfully awesomesauce day everyone! Anything exciting going on?


  1. The tutorials are great! Thank you so much for posting them. My knitting is so pitiful, but I'm not going to give up! I had watched a couple of videos but still couldn't get it until yours. You rock! I'm definitely leaning toward the continental hold...much easier and more comfortable for me!!

  2. wow! yes more knitting videos! i started to knit a few months ago and so far all i can do is the knit stitch english style and the purl same way... that is the first continental style video that is Followable.. alot are just hard to see/follow... thank u for this.. i would love the to see some more advanced technique for the videos... like.. the yarn overs and increasing decreasing.. all those 'fancy stitches' that are required for most patterns... and cable... if u know how.. no pressure... love ur blog!! so happy i found it a few months ago and that ur posting again... im the other two husky craft girl that lives in FL i have a b&w and a red & white husky! xoxo

  3. I'm with Veve. KFB, M1R, M1L, all that jazz. I need help!

  4. So happy to see more blog posting! I feel like we got to hang out. :)

    I have a blog now, too! Only one post and no pictures yet, but I'll get on that soon enough. Because really I have nothing but free time, right? ;)

  5. Just found your blog - LIKE! I've been knitting forever, and love to find 'normal' people who knit and who love it when others want to learn (When someone says they want to learn, I get all geeky-giddy and want to teach them everything I know)!

  6. Hi,

    I just want to tell you that I'm sitting in Europe, Sweden and found, when I Googled, your tut of knitting an I-cord around ear-phones. Just want to say THANK YOU! :) Now I have tried a few inches and only have to buy my favorite color before I will start for real.

    Happy happy knitting! :)

  7. Wonderful! I hope they come out well, and I would love to see a photo when you're finished! :D

  8. Love this! I have a lifelong goal to learn how to knit. I also follow a knitting blog even though I have never once created an actual knitting product (she's really good - you might like her? ) I'd love more knitting tutes and also the freezer meals you've been doing!

  9. you have an option to subscribe via email??


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