made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Friday, June 24, 2011

Thought I forgot, didncha?

It's Friday! I know everybody always says that every friday, right? Here's my Friday so far:
English breakfast tea
and company in bed

Upon checking facebook this morning, I saw a post by my friend Karen, with a photo of a Pandora station based on Sergio Mendes. It's a softer brazilian music, perfect for chilling out and relaxing. So relaxing, that it puts one of her huskies, Dave, right to sleep. Her huskies have their own blog too. I had been trying to create a brazilian station on Pandora, but couldn't seem to hit the right spot. This does it. :) I'm so playing this station for my massage clients today. Something about Portuguese with that samba beat that makes me smile. I'm listening right now.

So it's Friday! I was up a little early today so I could write before I head off to breakfast with my friend Tom, who just moved back into town recently. I've known him since I was oh....12? Nothing is better than old friends. After that, hopefully I'll have time to crank out another pouch before work, where I've got a full schedule, then heading to my friend Kathy's house for tacos, margaritas and game night. Just us girls, Kathy, Shilo (of the evil comedian story) and me. Mad fun to be had by all. I've been loving all this friend time lately!

What's that? It's the 24th? I said I'd run the garage sailor pouch contest until the 22nd? You're right, you're right. I could say that I've been crazy busy, which is true, and literally did not have any time at all to write yesterday (also true), but I also wanted to let any stragglers leave a comment and enter if they wanted to. We'll go with that. THE WINNER IS..................*boom chica boom chica boom* (that's a brazilian drumroll)

Is it Cathy or Catie? LOL! who said:

Cathy said...

OH MY I really really want that LOL
Thanks so for the tute and the great opportunituy

Congrats! I can't find your e-mail however, so please contact me! 

Thank you to everybody who left me lovely comments, I can't tell you what warm fuzzies that gives me. I'll be running another contest soon, and keep your eyes peeled for more awesome tutorials (hint: I have an amazing guest-blogger in about two weeks)

I must get ready and go, breakfast awaits! The question is....will I be a good girl and have a protein-y omelet? Or will the siren call of waffles or pancakes (oooh.....or even crepes!) win? Sounding like lingonberry crepes are gonna win. Then tacos and margaritas tonight? How much friday goodness can one girl take?! We'll find out. ;)

Happy Friday everybody!


  1. Oh, how cool! Congrats to Cathy!!! Or Catie. Or perhaps both. Maybe they'll share the pouch? ;)
    Hope you're groovin' to Sergio! :) Thanks for the shout-out!

  2. You're so welcome, Karen! I've enjoyed seeing your projects and reading about the dogs, and wanted to share the fun. If you love the pouch, I'm thinking I could make one for you, perhaps a swap?

  3. Oh my goddess I'm heartbroken! I'm gonna cry all weekend! (well, no, not really) hope you have a lovely weekend! I'm going to work a bit more on your mug rug now. :)

  4. Oooh, I want your coffee mug...

  5. Ooooh, I would definitely be interested in a swap!!! Did you see the cool camo pocket bag I did? I want to make one again - what would you think of something like that?!?!

  6. Pat - that mug came from Pier 1 several years ago. I think it was on clearance for $3 or something ridiculous like that. :) it holds so much tea! I love it!

  7. Music that makes huskies relax? I am so on that! :) Thanks for the info!

  8. Merritt- you have crazy huskies too? Mine have mellowed out nicely as they've grown up. They're 2.5 and 3 now, and do a lot of laying around during the day. They still get wild hairs and tear around once in a while, but overall they're nice mellow sewing companions. :)


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